Students of Resonance Commerce & Law Program Division (CLPD) Kota, Jaipur & Indore
Centres Performed exceptionally well in CA-CPT (Dec-2016) & CA-Final (Nov-2016) results,
declared by the Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI) on 17th January,
2017 at 2:00 p.m.
In CA-CPT (Dec-2016), Total 69 Students from Resonance CLPD got selected
in the exam, of which, 39 students were from Kota Study Centre, 19 students were
from Jaipur Centre and 11 students were from Indore Centre. SAKET TEMANI topped
Resonance with 177 Marks out of 200 followed by CHIRAG VIJAY and KAJAL CHOUHAN
both Score 165 Marks out of 200. All successful students felicitated by RESONANCE.
In CA-FINAL (Nov-2016) Result also, Resonance CLPD students performed brilliantly.
Total 13 Students got selected in the Exam. DIVYA CHHOTWANI cleared Both
Groups. All successful Students felicitated by RESONANCE.
Managing Director, Resonance, RK Verma Congratulated the Achievers and Wish them
luck for future endeavour. Heartiest Congratulations and Best Wishes to all the
successful students!!!