1. The IOQ in each subject will be a combination of two examinations, held in a single sitting for the examinee.
2. In this stage, a three-hour two-part examination will be conducted.
Part I: National Standard Examination (NSE): This will replace the standalone NSE of other years. The duration of this part will be 1 hour and will consist of multiple-choice questions, similar in standard to the usual NSE. This part will be a screening examination for selective evaluation of the second part (INO) only and performance in this part will not play any role in the selection for the next level (OCSC). This part of IOQ in different subjects will be called National Standard Examinations (NSEs) in Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Junior Science and Physics: NSEA, NSEB, NSEC, NSEJS and NSEP, respectively.
Part II: Indian National Olympiad (INO): This will replace the standalone INO of other years. The duration of this part will be two hours and will consist of detailed questions, similar in standard to the usual INO. This part will be evaluated only for students screened through the first part (NSE), and the selection for the next level (OCSC) will be determined solely by the performance in this part. This part of IOQ in different subjects will be called Indian National Olympiads (INOs) in Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Junior Science and Physics: INAO, INBO, INChO, INJSO and INPhO, respectively.