All the selected students
will now attend the Orientation cum Selection Camp to be organized as follows :
1.INPho - 11 May - 23 May 2011,Mumbai (International Physics Olympiad).
2.INCho - 24 May - 3 June 2011,Mumbai (International Chemistry
3.INBO - 4 June - 12 June 2011,Mumbai (International Biology
4.INJSO - 16 May - 4 June 2011,Mumbai (International junior Science
5.INAO (Sr.) - 27 April - 14 May 2011,Mumbai (International Astronomy Olympiad
for senior categorie).
International Olympiads for Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology and
Sr. Astronomy are organized for the students of class XI and XII. Also,
International Junior Science Olympiad and Junior Astronomy are organized for
students upto class X. First stage is upto regional level, Second upto National
level, third stage is Orientation cum Scholarship Camp, fourth is Pre-departure
Training Camp and the fifth & final round is International Olympiads.Every year
about 300 students are selected for the second stage and about 36 students for
the third stage (Orientation cum Selection camp).Homi Bhabha Centre for Science
Education (HBCSE), Mumbai coordinates the preliminary four rounds of
International Olympiads with the support of Indian Association of Physics
Teachers (IAPT) and National Board of Higher Mathematics.
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