JEE (Advanced) 2024 Results

RESONites performed brilliantly in JEE (Adv.) 2024. Secured 3 AIRs in Top 100

Students of Resonance have achieved outstanding results in the JEE (Advanced) 2024 exam.

Institute's Ishaan Gupta, secured All India Rank (AIR) 31, Abhaysimha secured AIR 53 and Hundekar Vidit secured AIR 63, bringing pride to themselves, their families and the institute.

In addition, Nihar Rao secured AIR 182, Pranav Mylarassu secured AIR 205, Ritam Banerjee secured AIR 226, Geetansh Bansal secured AIR 282, Subhajit Das secured AIR 467, Shitheeksh H V secured AIR 576, Yashvardhan Singh Choudhary secured AIR 611 (OBC-NCL - 83), Mudil Goel secured AIR 695, Saurabh Pandey secured AIR 723, Deepak secured AIR 752, Likhit Datta Tammana secured AIR 759, Sayan Mandal secured AIR 771 (SC - 11), Nitish secured AIR 772, Sagarika Sinha secured AIR 809, Praveen secured AIR 814, Mayank Agarwal secured AIR 821, Parth Malav secured AIR 938, Aditya Narayan secured AIR 941, Arnav Pandit secured AIR 965, and Muthu S secured AIR 973. Mayank Meena secured All India Rank 17 in ST Category.

Apart from these, Rhythm Kedia (who secured AIR 4), Rajdeep Mishra (who secured AIR 6), and Jaiveer Singh (who secured AIR 89), had also earlier studied in various classes in the Pre-Foundation Career Care Program division of Resonance.

Mr. R K Verma, Founder & Managing Director of Resonance, congratulated all the students and parents and said that this is the result of the hard work of the students and the excellent guidance of the teachers. He wished all the students a bright future and success in all their future endeavours.

Results were still being compiled and the total number of selections are expected to be in thousands.